Sunday, April 26, 2009

The chicks have moved up in the world

[There's a new video at the end. Why Blogger won't just let me drag it to the top, I don't know. But scroll down to see them flapping around.]

They've become yuppies, you see.

They traded in their efficiency (why, yes, that is a Simon & Schuster box)...

... for a luxury suite - made from a converted warehouse, no less. (It used to hold a motley collection of sports equipment.)

They've got much nicer views...

... and they're not far from the hive.


Vivian Mahoney said...

How sweet, Sarah! They must be so fun to watch.

Sarah Rettger said...

Fun and sweet, but also dumb. Let's hope they're more adept at laying eggs than at understanding why all three of them can't occupy the same space in the box :-)

guinevere said...

This is great! i love the updates!