Tuesday, September 23, 2008

What I learned from Elizabeth Peters

The scene: My office, coworker's cubicle. Coworker's desktop image is a pretty cool manuscript.

Me: What is that? It looks kind of like hieratic. [Note: I have never actually seen hieratic. I've just read about it in the Amelia Peabody books.]

Coworker: Aramaic, maybe. I downloaded it from Wikipedia a while ago.

Coworker copies the file name and searches Wikipedia.

Coworker: [Reading from the Wikipedia entry] The Edwin Smith Papyrus is the only surviving copy of part of an Ancient Egyptian textbook on trauma surgery. It is among the world's earliest surviving examples of medical literature, the Kahun Gynecological Papyrus being older, and is the world's oldest surgical document. Written in the hieratic script of the ancient Egyptian language...

Why can't I figure out a way to make money from this?


PJ Hoover said...

It's way cool, Sarah! Seems like it could be used in a book.

Sarah Rettger said...

Either that, or Justine Larbalestier can use it as marketing for hers - it seems I have an arcane information* fairy.

*Courtesy of a middle school English teacher, who wrote on one of my papers "a veritable treasure trove of arcane information." And I can still quote that line directly.

Vivian Mahoney said...

I second PJ. This is the type of info that kids (and adults) would be interested in.

Anonymous said...

Want. WANT!

Little Willow, Egypt addict

Sarah Rettger said...

Tricia, you'll have to make sure LW gets an ARC of Tut once you sell it - I see a great Guys Lit Wire review here!